

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 4 months ago

 Initial finds from the beginning of research phase. Sorry, some of the links have died.




Recent Chicago Bike Sharing Articles:

Chicago Tribune     Sun Times


The Gauntlet is thrown down!

NYC wins medal for bike friendliness? Anyone who's visited there (let alone biked there), knows this is a a bit laughable.

Thanks to Mike for the article.


Hey everyone, read this article from the trib,

Teen Shot Trying To Stop A Bike Theft sometimes we get a little too bold, be careful out there.



 this was a cool service solution done by yellowbikes recently: 




Bike thieves suck.





scary. please don't ride like this.**




ok, yes it's scary but this is also the REALITY that messengers (therefore commuters) see. messengers have found one way of making a go of riding in traffic, your work as students in this class is to establish OTHER methods that are more acceptable and sustainable for all. make sense? have fun watching, i recommend some hard core punk for the soundtrack.... ks


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