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last edited
by PBworks17 years, 4 months ago
Michael Critzon pd5
drive less, vote more
Ever wonder what's wrong with Western Society?
"Well, there's about probably some 10 percent to 20 percent of the current spending that is going to projects that really are not transportation or directly transportation-related. Some of that money is being spent on things, as I said earlier, like bike paths or trails. Some is being spent on museums, on restoring lighthouses, as I indicated."
-Mary Peters, United States Secretary of Transportation in an interview on The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (referring to the way gas tax money is being spent)
We have already touched on this in class but if you haven't checked it out, you should. It's sweet, and besides, the website is worth checking out as well.
850am-9am: ride to the studio in westtown (bring my bike inside)
9am-1030am: work
1030am-1050am: ride downtown to pick up a lens (bring my bike inside, get dirty looks)
1038am: almost get runover by a dude in a jeep, he cuts me off and gives me the bird, i yell f*&% you and wish i had something to throw at his car.
1050am-11am: get lens
11am-1120am: ride back to studio in westtown
1120am-6pm: work
6pm: check weather
6pm-610pm: ride home to wicker park
610pm-645pm: check the weather and decide what to do
645pm-715pm: ride to the dirt jumps at lane tech (slower bike)
715pm-830pm: ride the jumps, have fun don't crash
830pm-9pm: ride home (bring my bike inside)
cell phone
about 17 miles
Tuesday 9/18
630am: wake up
check the weather
630am-7am: get my stuff together in a frenzy
7am-8am: ride to work in winnetka (bring my bike inside)
8am-11am: work
11am-1210pm: ride downtown to hannah's bretzel (lock my bike to a pole)
1215pm-1230pm: eat
1230pm-1240pm: ride to library (lock to a pole)
about 1235pm: got in an altercation with a dude (that ahole had 3 lanes and he was pissed at me, kinda scary, we wanted to kill each other)
1240pm-1pm: library
1pm-5pm: class (lock to a pole)
5pm-7pm: meet with group
7pm-705pm: ride to the gym(lock to a pole)
710pm-8pm: workout
805-825: ride home to wicker park (bring my bike inside)
about $15 on food
cycling shoes
laptop w/ case
3 folders w/ papers
tire patches
15mm wrench
Chain Lock
Granola Bar
Water Bottle
cell phone
chap stick
chuck taylors
about 50 miles
Wednesday 9/19
8am: wake up
845am-905am: ride from WP to DT for bike council meeting (first pole i tried to lock to was too big, locked to a bike rack over trinedy's bike) Community locking?
905am-1230pm: meeting (trinedy was waiting so she could get her bike)
1230pm-1240pm: walk with adam to lunch (lock to a bike rack)
1240pm-110pm: lunch
110pm-130pm: ride from DT to WP (take my bike inside)
130pm-530pm: work from home
530pm-540pm: ride from WP to Logan Square (LS) (lock to a pole)
540pm-7pm: dinner
7pm-710pm: ride from LS to WP (take my bike inside)
about $10 on food
chain Lock
tire Patches
15mm Wrench
3 books
2 folders w/ papers
granola bar
celll phone
chap stick
about 16 miles
Thursday 9/20
8am: wake up
check weather
850am-903am: ride to the studio in westtown, feel tried, i don't really feel like pedaling/working today(bring my bike inside)
9am-6pm: work
6-610pm: ride home
uneventful bike day
granola bar
tire patches
15mm wrentch
extra shirt (for a meeting)
about 4 miles
Monday 9/24
had to be to the studio by 730am. i had a shoot at 8am.
710am: woke up late, didn't get a shower, washed my face, brushed my teeth, left with nothing.
726-731am: got to the studio in record time
731am-530pm: work (bring bike inside)
530-540pm: ride home (grab bag to put videos in to take back to earwax and mean to grab my chain)
no rain/flats--it's a good thing cuz i didn't have anything
555pm-559pm: ride to earwax
aw &%$#, forgot my chain, take my bike inside, one is at the front so no big time dirty looks, leave my bike there run downstairs and throw the videos on the counter only to be called back, one of the cases is empty, it's still in the dvd player :(. now this is only a half a mile ride but i think it is in our nature to hate backtracking.
603pm-606pm: back home (leave bike outside for 2 minutes (i am no more than 10 feet away from it) grab dvd and chain. go outside and a guy is nonchalantly crossing the street with his eyes locked on my bike. i come out and ask "can i help you?" as he quickly turns around and walks the other way.
608-611pm: back to ear wax, lock up my bike and take in the videos.
612-615pm: unlock my bike) ride to walgreens (lock up my bike)
streetwise guy wants to talk about how heavy my chain is and he says "the only way they could get that is with a grinder". how does he know that?
615-630pm: walgreens
630-635pm: ride home (take my bike inside) take a deep breath.
about 20 buck at walgreens
wallet, keys, phone for most of the day.
lock, videos
lock, shaving gel, after shave, TP, PT
about 7 miles
Tuesday 9/25 (Hooray for trinedy day)
7am: wake up, check weather, looks like rain, decide to take metra to winnetka.
7-730am: get ready in a frenzy
730-735am: ride to metra (get on metra, conductors hate bikes, they growl @ people with bikes. bungee cord it to the designated area)
735am-805am: ride to winnetka
805am-809am: ride to the office (take my bike inside)
810am-1130am: work
1130am-1134am: ride to metra (take bike on, this time the conductor says angrily "i you have something to secure that thing with." ?????? bungee cord it to the designated area.)
The designated area happens to also be the handicapped area where 2 seniors were sitting, they were unhappy that they has to spend the rest of the ride 5 inches from my greasy bike. They complained to the conductor and shot me dirty looks for 30 minutes.
1145-1215pm: ride metra to downtown
1215pm-1222pm: ride to school (lock to the same old pole)
1230-5pm: class
5pm-630pm: meet with group
630pm-640pm: i am riding home, trinedy is going the same way to the metra, around 640, i get a pinch flat :(.
(my routine for what i carry is rarely the same, some days i'm prepared for some things and not others, other days, i'm prepared for nothing, i'm never prepared for everything)
i had tire patches, thats it?!
trinedy had a hand pump and tire lever.
640-648pm: i fix the flat (2 holes in the tube) and break one of trinedy's tire levers. she had the crappy all plastic ones instead of the ones with metal in the middle.
trinedy saves the day, we decide to get a burger and a beer.
650-710pm: ride to wicker park (lock our bikes outside) trinedy says, "it would be nice if they had more bike racks."
710-830pm: eat
830-840pm: part ways, ride home (take bike inside)
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